Monday, December 2, 2013

NYan Capitalist dog chasing Nyan Cat


Full video:

NYan Capitalist dog chasing Nyan Cat from Shahar Davis on Vimeo.

Stop Motion of NYan Capitalist dog chasing the sublime Nyan Cat in the heavens:
The dog is sniffing around, hears the NYAN cat meows and chases him in the heavens for eternity.

Made of credit card pieces, SIM card, a Penny and a Nickel, an old camera dial, some electric wire connectors and a "like" rubber stamp.

Original animation by Shahar Davis

This is comment to the original NYAN CAT:

Song by Daniwell-P/Momone Momo UTAU
I do not own the song, no commercial use.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Am I Plasticine?

Am I Plasticine? from Shahar Davis on Vimeo.

Self-portrait exercise for Roni-Orens stop-motion course, Bezalel.
text: "What I'm saying is that...I'm not plasticine"

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Slilenced Mark - second year animation project

A Silenced Mark from Shahar Davis on Vimeo.

An animation about censorship, inspired by William Kentridge and "5 Broken Cameras".
A man defies the wall just by pointing it out and is taught a lesson.

Second year final project

Mentor: Sharon Gazit
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

From The Earlier - מן המוקדם

From The Earlier - מן המוקדם from Shahar Davis on Vimeo.

A stop-motion short animation.

Sunrise, the suns image is imprinted in a field of solar panels.
The suns energy is converted to electricity which lights at night.
Worshiping and the transformation of an idea.

Renana Aldor and Shahar Davis, Animation Department, Bezalel 2013

The Great Rice Dictator

A Stop-motion exercise I did with Ottonie von schweinitz in our stop-motion course, second year, with Rony Oren at Bezalel. The sound is from the great dictator by Charlie Chaplin.

some more drawings

Some drawings for Alexander Okon's Drawing class on fourth year

A drawing for Noam Nadav's design course - second year

some 2D animation exercises

Exercise from animation 101, first year, Tal-Gadon's course

Head Turn
Head Turn - Bezalel from Shahar Davis on Vimeo.

On Noam Meshulam course we had some more technical 2D animation exercises, second year of studies, here are too of my better ones:

Babar Exercise

Ernset Excercise